American Pomeranian Club
  Fast CAT

March 9 - March 12, 2023
New Albany, Indiana

⚠️ Looking for a  signup ? ⚠️

Email us here with your information

(Your Name,  Your Dog’s Name,  Breed and Color,  Event Name, Time of day you participated)

Additional Information for this event:

  • FAST TRACK Pre-Pay- Edit priority will be given to pre-paid  gallery sign-ups . . . We will search/edit only your dog(s) as our #1 priority.  This is the quickest way to get your photos 😉
  • RUN BLOCK EDITS -  Photos for individual purchases will be edited after the pre-pay galleries are complete as time allows. These edits will be posted in either individual galleries or combined in common Day/Time galleries (depends on the accuracy of  the run order info supplied by the host club)

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